Goals and Benefits
Primary Goals
- To create an atmosphere of lightness, joy, fun, warmth
- To provide opportunities for self-expression through play
- To provide stimulation and social interaction
- To reduce stress and anxiety
- To empower the individual
- To support carers and staff
Strengths of Approach
- Use of gesture, expression, physicality, non-verbal communication
- Integration of music, rhythm, dance
- Heightened listening and awareness
- Quality of presence with each individual
- Red-nosed character signals permission to play, offering possibilities out of the ordinary
- Spontenaity & improvisation responding to needs, interests and abilities of each individual
Primary Benefits
- Brings back the world of play
- Promotes self-expression and supports personhood of each individual
- Improves sense of well-being
- Increases Socialization
- Empowers the individual, restores sense of control
- Alleviates work-place stress for staff
“Decreases agitation and exit seeking. Decreases my stress, makes it easier to handle the group.” – Adult DayServices Coordinator, St Clair West Services for Seniors
“As soon as they come everything changes. They always put me in a dancing mood!” – PCP, The Westbury LTC
“The clowns reach certain clients on a different level of communication.” – Adult Day Services Coordinator, St Clair West Services for Seniors
“They’re people’s people. Residents who don’t normally interact, interact.” – Activation Worker, The Westbury LTC
“I saw a reclusive resident laughing a big laugh” – Staff member, Belmont House
“When the clients are happy its easier to handle them, they aren’t aggressive, they are calmer.” – Staff member, St Clair West Services for Seniors
“Makes everybody smile, helps them to relax and it’s easier to do stuff with them.” –Staff member, St Clair West Services for Seniors
“Helps to cover all bases, all clients. Provides one on one attention. Gives a fresh outlook on clients and activities. We work together.” – Program Worker, St Clair West Services for Seniors
“[When the clown are present, people are] Happier, more spirited, up-beat. The clients are more involved. They participate physically.” – Staff member, St Clair West Services for Seniors
“They [the clowns] take a little stress from us.” -Staff member, St Clair West Services for Seniors
“One lady is withdrawn. When the clowns come she lights up and is there with them.” – Staff member, St Clair West Services for Seniors
“They are amazing …they know how to interact with residents. They understand human connection.” – Activation Worker, The Westbury, LTC